Being a Professional Mathematician
Mason Porter
"I don't usually prove theorems"
One of a series of interviews with professional mathematicians
Mason Porter is an applied mathematician who is a University Lecturer and Tutor at the University of Oxford. He talks about
- his work (at time 0:09)
- being a mathematician (1:04)
- how mathematics compares with other disciplines (1:35)
- applied mathematics and pure mathematics (2:04)
- academic mathematics and industry mathematics (2:48)
- support in his professional life (3:56)
- professional credentials (5:32)
- dissemination of his results (6:15)
- promoting the subject (8:39)
- the public image of mathematics (10:12)
- the "leaky pipeline" where women are lost to mathematics careers (11:44)
- the value of role models for potential mathematicians (14:28)
Mason Porter's website
Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
CABDyN Complexity Centre
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford
Back to list of mathematician case studies
This project was supported by the MSOR Network, the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications and the Universities of Greenwich and Birmingham as part of the National HE STEM Programme and was completed in May 2012.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.